Tuesday 7 June 2016

Sara, I want to volunteer!

I have written much about this topic, but questions and requests don't seem to stop. Here goes again:

This is something you need to think a lot about. Just because you have good intentions it doesn't mean you should come and volunteer, but that is the best thing you can have at the beginning. 

I can give you resources so you can find the ideal place for you to apply before volunteering. 
Here are some links (I will try to keep this page updated).

http://www.greecevol.info/ - website with a lot of info about where to start, who to contact, etc. 

https://www.facebook.com/groups/204202716585823/?fref=ts - Information point for Athens volunteers

ps: Thank you for wanting to help! I respect you for thinking about this!


Angélica Avelar said...

Olá Sara, em Janeiro realizei um trabalho com os refugiados em Lesvos, no entanto gostaria muito de retornar, porém o custo de vida é caro, sabe me dizer se tem alguma ong que disponibiliza moradia? Obrigada.

Hello Sara, in January I did a job with the refugees in Lesvos, however I would love to return, but the cost of living is expensive, can you tell me if there is any NGO that provides housing? Thanks.

Sara Sofia said...

Olá Angélica, não sei como não vi este comentário! No entanto a resposta é que não sei de nenhuma ONG que ofereça alojamento. A única opção que vejo é candidatar-se a um emprego remunerado com as ONGs. Alguma coisa que ainda precises diz. Obrigada e desculpa a demora