Wednesday, 29 March 2017

New, News, All New.

I keep waiting for the right moment to make this post. I think my whole life I struggle with that: the right moment. 

I'm in a home that is not mine (but feels a little bit mine), studying for an exam I didn't expect to be taking anytime during my life, in order to start a job I could only dream off in the last few years, so I can move in with my best friend to a place we will finally be able to call home. 

Life works in funny ways. I wish I could encapsulate all the feelings and thoughts that are going through me at the moment. There's the nerves taking over my whole body, the excitement about new adventures, the fear of not being able to rise up to the challenge, the desire to curl up in bed with a book and live the simple life, the sadness for the heartbreak and realising I went from being in a team to be a solo player. The happiness for being able to read a good book, walk along the river, have a pint in the sunshine. The kind of happiness you only feel when you're truly free, like I know I am. The 3am cycles home after a good laughing session with friends, the 4am ukulele playing sessions, the 5am staring at the ceiling sessions wondering about the size of the world. 

How blessed that I get to live this life. 

Friday, 6 January 2017

Hello 2017

Jack is going back to Greece in a couple days.
I won't be joining him but just wanted to record the event. 

I'm confident that the people he will meet and help will benefit from his kindness, understanding and company. He will make them feel safe and smile. That's an important job.
I will sleep better knowing Jack is someone the people that arrive to the shores of the island will meet. 

I'm incredibly proud of us for choosing to embark on this mission in 2015, but I'm even more proud of Jack for having the courage to continue it. I know I don't.

In 2017 we will start separate adventures, but I will smile thinking about all the past ones we took on together.

Let this year be a preparation year for me. I start it with the same happiness that it's common within myself for the last year. I'm a happy person because I'm free. Free to dream and make it a reality. I try not to take it for granted and am thankful for it everyday. Many people, be it for geographical or cultural reasons don't have such luxury. Being able to be whoever I want to be brings me great joy! 

So let this be my preparation year for the ones ahead. I'll carry the joy and move forward towards my goals. 

I turn 25 in a few days and I question myself about the person I want to be. I want to learn not to rush  through things. I want to take my time to enjoy everything I do. Let this be the year I stand still more often. Listen more and observe more. Talk less. Rush less. Stress less. Let this be the year I learn to be the person I want to be. 

I want to play music. I want to read. I want to walk. I want to meet people. I want to work in the ambulance service. I want to be a humanitarian worker. I want to help people. Let me focus on these goals.